“Music for me is like oxygen, I cannot live without it and I will never forsake my passion “.
Hicham Billouch, Moroccan musician, seeks to explore new musical avenues and possibilities.
Billouch studied music at the Royal Conservatory in Marrakech and graduated as a pianist. He also plays the violin, the lute, the guitar and the sintir.
When he was a teenager, he started working in cabarets in Marrakech like Hotel Sahara Inn, Rotana, VIP Club and Hotel Le Semiramis in Casablanca.
In Morocco, he played along with singers like Ahmed Adawiyya from Egypt, Fares Karam from Lebanon, Mohamed Reda, Pinhas, and Badr Sultan from Morocco.
He also participated at the Mawazin Festival organized by the Government of Morocco and worked in the organization of musical events such as Green March Day.

Arabic Music
In France, he played with Maqam al Ushaq, which is a Moorish music group, at the Mediterranean Music Festival in Corsica and the International University Music Festival in Belfort Ville, France.
In Mexico he created Nour Marruecos, an Arabic music ensemble, with local musicians. Nour Marruecos has participated in international festivals such as Lerdantino (Durango), Festiva Toluca and Calimaya (Mexico State) and the Córdoba International Book Fair (Veracruz). He also played in the Lebanese Restaurant Adonis in Polanco. Mexico City.
In Mexico City, he organized a belly dance competition and also published a book with the Spanish translation of 40 Arabic songs.
Her record production includes 3 CDs: Salam, Qamar and Kalimat, with covers of Arab songs and her own compositions.
After moving to Mexico City, Maestro Hicham Billouch established the Arabic music ensemble Nour Marruecos with local musicians.

The Orchestra
Nour Marruecos has participated in international festivals such as Lerdantino (Durango), Festiva Toluca and Calimaya (State of Mexico), the Córdoba International Book Fair (Veracruz) and the Arab Week organized by the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas of México.
The ensemble has also represented Morocco in various cultural and official events organized by the Embassy of Morocco and in private events of the Arab, Lebanese and Jewish communities.
Gnawa music, inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2019, is one of the most versatile, because its scales and rhythms have their roots in sub-Saharan Africa, so theyr are compatible with the pentatonic scales of blues and jazz.
That is why Hicham Billouch has merged the traditional instruments of Gnawa music such as the guembri, the outar and the qraqeb, with instruments from India such as the sitar, the tabla and with electronic music.
Arabic instruments
Arabic music has a long history of interaction with many musical styles in the world. Arabs people translated and evolved Greek texts and mastered musical theories.
In the pre-Islamic period, Arabic music consisted of singing poetry. As for the musical instruments, they were used in a manner that may accompany and savour the meaning of poetry.
Arabic instruments can be classified into three main types: string instruments, wind instruments and percussion instruments.