The ultimely passing of El Judio Maravilloso

On August 20 this year, salsa fans around the world received of the devastating news about the death of Larry Harlow Kahn, who was one of the most transcendental figures of the Fania All-Stars at the time and Latin music in general. There have been many artists, writers and the general public have expressed their profound regret at the departure of pianist, leaving an unforgettable legacy and a profound mark in the minds of all those who admired him throughout his career.
According to what writer specialized in music Aurora Flores said, Harlow, also known as “El Judio Maravilloso”, marked a unique style with great ease and innovation while staying attached to his traditions. From the hand of Johnny Pacheco and Jerry Masucci, this musician became a talented producer and creator for much of the work done by orchestra La Fania, resulting an approximate of 270 recordings for other artists and a good number of hits that continue to be heard today.
This extremely talented pianist broke down all sorts of cultural barriers during his lifetime thanks to his great talent. He reached corners he has never dreamed of and will always be remembered for his great artistic endeavors.
Ricky Gonzalez and Angel Fernandez make donations to support the Salsa Museum

In recent days, it became known that both Ricky Gonzalez and Angel Fernandez have met with the director of the Spanish Harlem Salsa Gallery Museum, Johnny Cruz, to bring him with some highly valuable objects. Gonzalez is Marc Anthony‘s pianist and Fernandez is the musical director of his orchestra, so both musicians have much to contribute to the historic museum presided by Cruz.
In the particular case of González, he plans to offer some jackets that were worn by the famous Puerto Rican singer, while Fernández will offer a trumpet played at one of the many concerts offered by the boricua and his team. Together with the already mentioned objects, both artists pledged to collaborate in every way necessary to continue donating valuable acquisitions to the cultural institution. On the official Facebook account of Johnny Cruz, the president of the museum can be seen in the company of both musicians and some thanks from his part to both of them for supporting the Spaha Salsa Gallery, as this place is also known.
Migdalia Sánchez joins the Salsa Museum

It has been announced that Migdalia Sanchez, the head of Latino 99 FM in Florida, has agreed to join the Salsa Museum with Johnny Cruz. This means that the aforementioned station will start broadcasting the programme hosted by Johnny Cruz at the same time so that all its listeners can enjoy it without a single problem.
Salsa returns to New York
Following the restrictions imposed by the local authorities due to the advance of COVID-19, many clubs and nightclubs have decided to open their doors again, but meeting each and every one of the health requirements for these places can be considered safe for the clientele.
Every day there are more well-known names that join the list of places that are working almost normally after all this time. Here we mention some of the places that have reopened their doors:
- La Marqueta
- S.O.B’s
- González y González
- El Sanjuan
- Taino Towers Crystal Ballroom
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