Frequency 432 Hertz and what experts say on this issue
Some initial ideas about the frequency of 432 Hertz
The stress of daily life is extremely harmful to the health of any human being who gets it, so that is an issue that should be dealt with the seriousness it deserves. Fortunately, there is plenty we can do to combat this problem such as meditation, yoga or music. Concerning this last point, we can mention the frequency 432 Hertz, which has already been shown to have certain effects on sleep quality. There is still a lot of misinformation spread and incorrect data in respect of it, but here we will try to shed some light on this interesting topic.
After a lot of research in this regard, it is already known that music can decrease the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which, in turn, results in a significant reduction in anxiety, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. In addition, muscles relax considerably and the mind is distracted from the frantic thoughts that does not let it rest. It is thought that this set of tones has sleep-inducing properties, but there is still a lot to discover about this. Some musicians only refer to this frequency as a calm, soft tone.
Here are some musical frequencies
What is the tuning of 432 Hertz?
The tuning of 432 Hertz is name after the 432 oscillations it produces per second. The sounds that comprise the frequency tend to be a little deep and the link of the harmonics is carried out to perfection.
It can also be defined as a clean frequency that has been widely used to break down mental barriers and promote a much deeper and more restful rest. Its greatest proponents claim that this combination of sounds has the ability to synchronize with the Universe’s energies, leading to a much healthier life for those who listen it.
Studies done on the frequency 432 Hertz
The miraculous frequency or frequency of happiness as some call it, has been extensively studied by the Department Physiology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, which was based on the hypothesis that the 432 Hertz frequency induces sleep and decreases REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase.
According to the conclusions presented by the experts responsible for carrying out the experimentation necessary for the study, the tone showed promising effects on the electroencephalographic activity of the brain during a daytime nap period. The decrease in REM sleep latency suggests that the already mentioned musical frequency has a rather significant relaxation effect on a sleeping brain.
A lady who is sleeping
What the experts say
To bring a clearer notion and a broader perspective on this topic, we have contacted M.D. Argelia Melet who is going to offer us her views on this frequency and the effects that it can have on those who ever listen to it.
This is our conversation with her regarding this issue:
What is the frequency 432 Hz?
I would like to fisrt remember what a Hertz is, since the frequency 432 Hertz is expressed in that unitof measurement: A hertz is the frequency measurement unit of the electromagnetic field, including, of course, the acoustic one. These are waves that are propagated in space, carrying energy, but not matter. A Hertz measures how many times these waves repeat themselves in one second. So, then, the frequency 432 Hertz is nothing more than a 432-wave frequency in one second. In recent years, one issue that emerged among scholars of musicology, musicians, and academics who proposes 432 hertz as a frequency that is more “attuned ” to our physiological structure. Many people are in favour of this and also many others deny that there could be a difference.
Having said this, the music industry uses the standard note A as tuning in the frequency of 440 hertz, but this was not always the case. Because it was in 1953 when the International Organization for Standardisation (known as ISO), imposed it as a pattern to tune and build most of the musical instruments.
As for the frequency 432 Hertz, “it has been gaining popularity among the performers, because as it is played, it emits twelve harmonics, which involve the 12 notes of the chromatic scale. In the case of the frequency of 440 Hertz, it is although brighter, but involves only 8. Many early music interpreters, I among them, use the frequency 432 hertz. And the difference can be noticed” (personal communication). (*)
What effects could you see?
I am not an expert in music therapy, which has become a specialty discipline that includes many fields linked to the health profession and obviously much more to psychology and psychiatry. But I have used certain Barroque pieces, particularly (Mozart, Pachelbel, Vivaldi) in some therapies known as “desensitization in fantasy”, which uses the patient’s imagination in a relaxed state to deal with situations that leads to anxiety with very good results. It has been successfully used in carcer patients or people with severe sickness to deal with these coplicated cases that create suffering.It is also used in pediatric dentistry and geriatrics.
Differences between the Frequency 432 Hertz and others
I do not think I am capable of answering a question concerning a very specialized subject as is music …. Those who are in favour of the frequency 432 Hertz criticize the standard and explain that it increases tensions and fatigue in the listener. Instead, the frequency 432 Hertz can help to balance the mind causing further relaxation by listening to it and thus help to prevent future diseases. But controlled studies would be necessary to prove this statement.
What kind of therapies with this frequency are used in people?
Although I am not clear about this question, I assume that you are talking about which patients would benefit from these music therapies. At present, there is widespread use of music therapy (and I am talking about this and not about a particular frequency): its value in anxiety disorders, phobias, and dysfunctions such as attention deficit disorders is well known, and it is even starts being used in people with Alzheimer’s. Today, it is an important tool and it is believed that it will be useful in the future. There are even studies that link it to brain neuroplasticity. And here I would like to anwer tthe following question: yes, there are positive results in many areas of emotional, work, and social life.
Would you recommend this therapy in insomnia and other sleep disorders?
The question is whether I recommend it as a unique therapy or as a complementary therapy. In medicine you cannot act in a “religious” way and in this regard I mean discard any belief other than your own. Music therapy promotes relaxation, serenity, inner peace and, in that sense, it helps to reduce insomnia, nightmares or night terrors. But a lot of times, it will be necessary to combine it with other treatments. This always depends on the seriousness of the problem.
As a doctor, would you consider that this frequency raises consciousness or achieves effects at levels higher than simply sleep improving?
As to whether the frequency 432 Hertz raises consciousness, as the question puts it, I am not in a position to affirm or deny it. It may be necessary to specify that in our brain there are many types of waves of different frequencies.
As to whether the frequency 432 Hertz raises consciousness, as the question puts it, I am not in a position to affirm or deny it. It may be necessary to specify that in our brain there are many types of waves of different frequencies. Brain waves regulate our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. They are measured in hertz or cycles per second and these electrical patterns are divided into five in human beings: gamma, beta, alpha, theta and delta. For purposes of this presentation, I will just talk about alpha waves. The so-called Alpha waves predominate when the Central Nervous System is at rest, relaxed but awake and alert. If there is an alpha deficit, the individual has trouble relaxing. We would say that the brain is idling, relaxed and at rest, but ready for action if necessary at the same time. This frequency helps mental coordination, mind/body integration, calmness and alertness. Music therapy has been linked to the stimulation of alpha brain waves.
However, we got a long way to go. The brain, the grand master of our lives, seems opposed to being discovered in all its magnificence. It is our “Moon’s far side”.
(*) Professor Oscar Battaglini Suniaga. Msc in Musicology
Psychiatrist Argelia Melet
What are the brain waves?
As Dr. Melet has told us, brain waves play a fundamental role in the behavior of our brain and the way it works. Then we will classify brain waves according to their different types:
Gamma: of all the types of brain waves, gamma brain waves are those that appear more frequently, but with a much smaller amplitude. Their most common presentation is 40 Hertz and it is believed that they are the waves that most relate to the process of conscious perception, although there is not yet wide agreement betwween scholars on the subject.
Beta: these electromagnetic oscillations are those that are activated when the brain is in a certain kind of awareness in which a certain degree of attention is required, such as a speech delivered before an audience or a hard test. During this stage, waves have an greater frequency than the rest of its types.
Alpha: these waves are usually more frequent than theta waves, but are related to a state of relaxation where the body has its eyes closed, but not asleep. They slow down when sleeping, but are altered when opening the eyes or thinking about doing it.
Theta: Theta waves are generally associated with the early stages of sleep. Contrary to the case of beta waves, they make the body relax either when awake or when sleeping.
Delta: these waves have an extremely low frequency, which means the brain is asleep and may even dream off in some cases. there is potential for them appearing while in a coma or severe brain damage.
Classification of brain waves
Neurolinguistic programming and its use as a tool for mass manipulation
It is the interchange of thoughts and habits through a set of techniques that involve perception and communication. It is also known as a branch of neuroscience that studies the connections between behavior, thought and language. There were many political personalities who saw huge potential in this tool and one of them was Josehp Goebbels, who soon found out that culture and language were two fundamental aspects in the achievement of his political objectives.
It was this infamous character who gave rise to the study of what is now known as neuromarketing, in which seemingly insignificant details such as voice, tone, gestures, body language and even sounds are absolutely controlled. It is no coincidence that Goebbels took over German radio as a whole in order to monitor the programmes at will. Soon it becomes clear that the aim of this measure was not just to inform, but also to manipulate people’s thoughts and, as a reult, their way they talked and behaved in everyday life.
One of the best examples was the installation of loudspeakers in various crowded public spaces such as squares or markets. As a result, those who were not attracted by the official programming ended up listening to it against their will. To that is added a loud siren that sounded each time there was an important announce to make, so everyone had to get closer to loudspeakers to hear what was being said. Anyone failling to do this was heavily criticized.
The programming included Hitler’s speeches alternated with an set of cultural and cultural programs. There were not few state officials who insisted on the multiple mood benefits of listening to them, when the reality was that they sought to modify and manipulate people’s psyches by alternating musical pieces and sounds pleasant to the ear with the political statements they wanted to etch on the minds of citizens. Had the Nazi regime been pioneer in the use of certain sonic frequencies to generate reactions in brain waves? Had we ever been the victims of this type of manipulation without even noticing it? Only time and science will tell.
Joseph Goebbels, the man who took over German radio by order of Hitler