Encuentra la mejor música latina y buena comida en La Finca Bar & Grill

El Bronx está lleno de todo tipo de lugares donde los amantes de la música latina y la buena comida pueden acudir para relajar la mente y olvidarse de sus problemas, aunque sea por unas horas. Este rincón de Nueva York de fama mundial es el punto de encuentro de locales y personas de todo el mundo de la mano de un gran número de espacios únicos e inolvidables. Tal es el caso de La Finca Bar & Grill, cuya carta y catálogo musical lo convierten en uno de los lugares preferidos por los neoyorquinos.
La Finca Bar & Grill is a bar-restaurant that can boast a set of dishes to delight the palate. Of the many rich preparations that the place has to offer, we can mention fish fillets with mashed yucca, mofondo (Purto Rican dish with fried plantains, salt, garlic, and olive oil), salmon, spicy chivito with white rice, fettuccine with goat, sausage in wine, pan-fried calamari, chicken wings, among others. Other than the food, the staff also offers out-of-this-world drinks with which diners can accompany their dishes, including mojitos, brunches, lemonades, cocktails and much more.
One of the great characteristics of La Finca is that its team always does its best to find the best talent and offer visitors a pleasant and special time. The main attraction is the hiring of a DJ who is in charge of playing the latest hits of the season and, of course, one or another hit from the past. They have also looked for renowned artists whose performances have enchanted the audience thanks to their talent and dedication to the public. Such is the case of Alex Bueno, who performed at the venue in the month of June and a part of his show can be seen on several YouTube channels.

What people say about La Finca Bar & Grill on the internet
According to the vast majority of the reviews found on Google, what is praised for being the best is the amazing food, the incredible drinks, the costs and the DJs hired to liven up the place. Not to mention the warm treatment on the part of the staff and the space and comfort of the facilities, which adds another reason for visiting the restaurant frequently. Almost everyone who comments on the bar gives it a five-star review, which is uncommon in the vast majority of places like this one.
Local guides who commented on the restaurant in these reviews highlight the cleanliness and the wide spaces of the place, which is extremely important and taken into account during these times of health crisis. Undoubtedly, given the current situation, areas dedicated to entertainment such as this one have had to adapt their facilities as best as possible to make its clientele feel safe and confident. No doubt about it, La Finca Bar & Grill has done it, and for that, it deserves all the support and visits it receives.
Regarding open times, the bar-restaurant is open daily, but the schedule varies according to the day. From Monday to Friday, the venue is open from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, it is open from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m.

Enlace a su página oficial de Facebook: La Finca Bar & Grill
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