What Salsa Power did

There have been many groups and personalities that, despite the low level of resources they had, have made efforts to promote Latin music, especially salsa. The case to be treated today is that of a website with a great deal of contributors and much fame that came to be regarded as one of the most important internet sites for the promotion of our culture in the field of music. We talk about Salsa Power and its titanic work in favor of our cause.
The important page dedicated to the promotion of salsa and founded in 1999 had approximately 300 local correspondents in more than 50 countries around the world, indicating the immense number of individuals who wanted to get involved in the promotion of Latin culture to rise to unexpected levels. Its co-founders, Jacira Castro and Julian Mejia were the ones who started this great initiative, which they tried to maintain through an enormous effort. However, this was not enough to avoid its definitive closure in 2021.

Closure of Salsa Power and what has produced it
In a statement that can still be read on its official link https://www.salsapower.com/ both in Spanish and English, Castro explains the unfortunate reasons for making the difficult decision to close the web portal. At the beginning of the short text, the also salsa instructor and web designer explains how Salsa Power started and what made it become one of the biggest salsa initiatives that could be found around the internet, whose heyday may be reflected in the large number of contributors they had in some 61 countries.
A very important detail that the dance teacher relates in her text is that she also worked as a volunteer and never received money or advertising of any kind in exchange for doing what she was so passionate about. She highlights that she always paid all her hosting and development costs without receiving collaboration of any kind.
She goes on to explain that time goes by and, after 22 years of the founding of Salsa Power, many correspondents made their lives, left the cities from which they reported its activities and devoted to things that had nothing to do with salsa. It was reported that this was the primary reason why they made such a drastic decision.

However, Castro concludes her statement with a message of hope in which she claims she will never cease to dance, showing that the aforementioned genre remains her greatest passion and nothing and nobody will change her mind. She finished saying that she can still be found on the dance floor in Lisbon, Portugal, where she now resides permanently.
Even today, there are many interviews collected by various other online media that can still be read, reviews and opinion pieces that reflect the extensive knowledge and enthusiasm that the writers had for their work. There is an endless amount of material that bears evidence to many years of hard work and dedication that we know all of this will not be in vain.
From International Salsa Magazine, we send cheers and our best wishes to each and every single one of the correspondents and workers who did their best to make Salsa Power an obligatory reference for anyone who wanted to know the latest news of Latin music.
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